Neuron Mirror has raised over $9,000.00 for the Lustgarten Foundation!
(for research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of pancreatic cancer.)

As of April 2017:
$ 10,000.
$ 9,000.
$ 0.  

April 2017

Michael Walsh and I set our goal at $10,000.00.

Since Michael's death, the Neuron Mirror outreach has raised in sales of the poetry book and small donations over $8,000.00 for the Lustgarten Foundation. Then a donation of $1,000.00 to the Lustgarten Foundation from a poet friend and his wife, inspired by the accomplishment of the Neuron Mirror outreach, increased the money raised to over $9,000.00.

I now continue forward to our goal of $10,000.00 and perhaps more.

Best to all who have helped
and may yet help,

Virginia Walker

How to order Neuron Mirror:
    Please send:

  1. A check for twenty dollars ($20.00) made out to The Lustgarten Foundation1 and . . .

  2. A separate check for six dollars and forty-five cents ($6.45), to cover shipping via Priority Mail, made out to Virginia Walker.

  3. Send both checks to:
    Virginia Walker
    P.O. Box 1032
    Shelter Island Heights,
    N.Y. 11965.

  4. Also include your shipping address, as well as contact information (such as telephone number or email address) in case there are any questions.

  • Priority Mail includes insurance and tracking.
  • You should receive your order in a few days.
  • The Lustgarten Foundation does not sell the books directly; you must order from the author.
  • Make sure your address is on your check to The Lustgarten Foundation.

1 Click here for more information about The Lustgarten Foundation.
